Saturday, August 31, 2019

PAL Outdoor Education - Team Building

Dear children,

Here are some photographs taken during our last PAL Outdoor Education. I'm sure you had lots of fun! =)

Lots of Love,
Mrs Lu

Math Quiz 6

Dear children,

Here are the questions for this weekend's Math quiz. Do take some time to attempt the questions.=)

Have a good weekend, children!=)

Lots of Love,
Mrs Lu

2D and 3D Figures - Solids and Patterns

Dear children,

Here are the slides on 3D figures which we have gone through in class.

Lots of love,
Mrs Lu

The Best Pet - Pronouns

Dear students,

Attached are some slides on pronouns for your reference.

Lots of love,
Mrs Lu

Friday, August 23, 2019

Math Quiz 5

Dear children,

Here are the Math Quiz questions for this weekend. Do take some time to attempt them and we will go through the solutions next week.

 Have a good weekend ahead.=)

Lots of love,
Mrs Lu

Fractured Fairy Tales

Dear children,

Here are some fractured fairy tales which are available at the National Library. You can consider borrowing them to read.=)

Hope that you will have a good time reading them.😃

Warm regards,
Mrs Lu

Outdoor Education - Tent Pitching

Dear children,

Here are some photographs which were taken during the recent tent pitching activity.

I hope that through the activity, you have learnt the importance of team work.

Lots of love,
Mrs Lu